For $1.99 I thought how could you go wrong. Well you can! First off all the videos on their site show it in use on an iPad and it does run on the ipad but not as a native app, got to hit the x2 to view those up-rezed graphics. I have run this on the iPad and each time I have to completely re-install the app. FIrst time a fluke , 2nd and 3rd time its a problem.
You have to register it (or they wont let you see the manual) so they can send you their newsletter every few days. Oh each time you have to reinstall it you need to re-register.
There are many nice features in this program but the over populated interface makes them hard to use. Some features will require the $99 hardware interface to test out, its pre-order only.
It can access your library but if you have iMatch then you have lots of files to go through that say "DRM" and they cant be selected but they do take up space in the list.
No song timers available so to determine the end is only a visual waveform.
This could be a great app, once they make it native to the ipad / uncluter the GUI/ stop the crashing and lock ups etc.
TheIdol about DJ Rig